The People Behind

DCU Solar Racing is powered by a passionate team of individuals. We are dedicated to our mission, constantly striving to meet and exceed expectations.

Michael Svoboda

Connect with Michael Svoboda

Michael Svoboda

Team Manager

Abul Hasan Ali

Connect with Abul Hasan Ali

Abul Hasan Ali

Business Lead

Ayden Jahola

Connect with Ayden Jahola

Ayden Jahola

Software Lead

Ruairi Bray

Connect with Ruairi Bray

Ruairi Bray

Aerodynamics Lead

Sadhbh O'Grady Keeley

Connect with Sadhbh O'Grady Keeley

Sadhbh O'Grady Keeley

Marketing Lead

Sofia Antonia Balog

Connect with Sofia Antonia Balog

Sofia Antonia Balog

Marketing & Mechanical

Ivan Savintsev

Connect with Ivan Savintsev

Ivan Savintsev

Electrical Lead

Filip Kowalczyk

Connect with Filip Kowalczyk

Filip Kowalczyk

Mechanical Lead

Justin Jones

Connect with Justin Jones

Justin Jones

Mechanical Team

Yuvraj Singh Dheer

Connect with Yuvraj Singh Dheer

Yuvraj Singh Dheer

Mechanical Team

Giacomo Zeno Carniel

Connect with Giacomo Zeno Carniel

Giacomo Zeno Carniel

Electrical Team

Become a Partner!

We’re seeking partners to help us build Ireland's first solar racing car. Interested?

Become a Partner

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Ready to blaze a trail with cutting-edge solar technology?
Join the DCU Solar Racing team and power the future of sustainable transportation!
Let's race toward a greener tomorrow together.

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